Screw Pile Foundations
Now you can be sure how much your complete project will cost before you start!
Avoid unnecessary excavation, trenches, landfill, etc.
No need to worry about difficult site access – if we can scaffold around the footprint we can build it..
No heavy excavation or large mechanical equipment needed – we use a petrol driven hand auger.
Little, if any, ground investigation needed.
Suitable for most ground conditions (including soft spots).
Your complete screw pile foundation solution - from design through to installation
One screw pile required per post
Probe pre-test taken to determine pile depth required if necessary
Each pile able to take up to 3MT load.
Torque tensioning read out provided for each pile for Building Control
Each pile has pile cap set at appropriate level to receive post and base if needed
Fixed Price Foundations

Avoid unnecessary excavation, trenches, landfill, etc.
No need to worry about difficult site access – if we can scaffold around the footprint we can build it..
No heavy excavation or large mechanical equipment needed – we use a petrol driven hand auger.
Little, if any, ground investigation needed.
Suitable for most ground conditions (including soft spots).
This form of 'dry construction' is:-
Very fast - often only 10 minutes per 6 metre long pile
Free of 'wet' trade - concrete is not used unless ground beams or grout is required.
Extremely strong - piles can accept full load immediately after installation.
Equally suited for tension, compression and combination loads
Suitable for sites with Tree Protection Orders, or where tree roots might form an obstacle to other foundations.

After structural engineering calculation, the loading for each pile is presented to our pile manufacturers for installation recommendation. With the information on ground investigations the pile design can be deduced with installation criteria which must be met to ensure the pile can resist the required safe working load.
Each pile is then guaranteed by the manufacturers for design strength, with the complete installation monitored and recorded in the installers pile log on the actual installation torque (load) at each pile position. This information can then be given to your Building Control officer to satisfy building control, if required.
Choose your surface finish, Keeping the Cost Low
By creating a really solid, heavy duty, ‘all dry’ system of foundations we can apply this to all forms of construction and practically every type of site. Integrating this with our advanced timber engineering systems, we can standardise on their use for all forms of buildings that we offer.
You can, of course, engage your own contractors to construct whatever type of foundation system you want – or do them yourself.
Simply clean off top soil and vegetation, spread this over your garden, or place it somewhere for later use, and let us install state of the art helical screw pile foundations. It couldn’t be easier (or cheaper).
These piles are of the same type used as ground anchors for lighthouses, bridge foundations, wind turbine installations, as well as
extensions, new builds, flats, etc.
The pile foundations are installed as part of the continuous process of building your SolidLox, there is no delay or waiting for concrete or other foundations to ‘cure’ or otherwise become suitable for building off.
Depending on whether you have chosen a car port or a garage, you can choose the type of access and internal finish you want. This may, for example, simply take a gravel driveway under and into the building. Alternatively you may wish to use a harder surface, like tarmac or paving slabs. Yet again you may choose to lay a concrete slab over the whole area.
Whatever you choose, you or your local gardener, landscape contractor or jobbing builder can do this work for you whenever you want, according to their availability.
Careful research and development, in collaboration with other specialist component manufacturers, over the years has placed us in the enviable position of being able to apply really
innovative and useful building solutions for the benefit of our customers. Following our ‘Value Engineering’ approach to meeting our clients’ needs, our ‘Easy as ABC’ foundation system is a prime example of this.
By reducing operations to avoid or eliminate costly and unnecessary soil investigations, excavation, soil away, hard core, concreting, curing times, etc. we can save you time, delays and quite a lot of money.
We average the likely depths and installation times required, and are able to offer ‘FIXED PRICES’ for our screw piled foundations for any building – car port, garage, garden lodge, stabling – whatever you want.
The following table shows how many piles are typically required for our post and beam structures. Piles are usually no deeper than 3 metres, even for large bespoke post and beam structures.
Single bay (4 posts/piles)
Double bay (6 posts/piles)
Three bay (8 posts/piles)
Four bay (10 posts/piles)
Extra posts/piles as required
Extra pile lengths over 3m, as required